Appreciation of Postnatal Support
April 2013
Dear Lydia,
You have been so supportive to all your students and even though my son is now
9 years old, I still remember everything you mentioned in class, and am
sharing all I learn from your class with new mothers who are expecting. I
have a friend who just gave birth to a baby boy last week, and I just can’t
tell her more about the net panties, underpads and everything else I got from
you in preparation for my child birth. She is breastfeeding for sure.
Your reputation and hard work for all these years will be remembered and is
now in good hands. I will continue referring friends and mother-to-be to take
the pre-natal course that Crystal offers in Toronto now.
Take care and all the best with your return to HK. I wish you will come back
every once a while to visit Toronto and I hope to see you again soon!
Vivian HWANG (Class 0307B)
17 April 2013
Dear Lydia
I haven't got a chance to tell you that I gave birth to my 3rd baby
July last year, and he is 9 months now. The other two is 8 & 5. As
usual, I BF him, and I am still very grateful that I had your help in
the past. It is you who inspired me to have thought of pursuing the
lactation consultant career to help other moms, but with 3 young kids,
changing career seems not possible, at least for now.
I wish you all the best in HK. Please keep in touch.
Hanny (2004/10 class)
7 April 2013
Hi Lydia,
How are you? I have just read your message and
sorry to hear about your husband. You are an amazing woman and a strong person
that I totally look up to you. My thoughts and prayers are with you an your
It has been almost six years ago that I
attended your prenatal class. My eldest daughter Jayda will be turning 6yrs
old in August, my son Jayson just turned 2yrs old and my youngest daughter
Jayly is 4.5mths old. (please see photo). I am very proud to be your student
as all three of my deliveries were natural and without any epideral. I used
your breathing techniques to help with the speedy delivery. All three babies
were quite heavy too: Jayda - 8lbs, Jayson - 8lbs 6oz., Jayly - 9lbs 3oz. I
told everyone your teaching was so helpful! I also breastfeed all my kids
until 1yr old. Now with Jayly, I am doing the same and haven't introduced the
bottle yet and she weighs over 19lbs now. People ask if I am substituting, I
proudly say I am breastfeeding exclusively.
I just want to say Thank you! I am grateful
and lucky to be your student. I am glad our paths crossed. Thank you for all
your help!
God bless you.
Jo Ann and family (MS0706)
May 7, 2012 at 11:23 PM
Hi Lydia,
It's been a month since we first saw
you. Julianne and I have been doing well. She's been feeding much better and
seems content with the amount of milk. Since she's been feeding better she has
been sleeping better and is sleeping longer at night and napping quite well
during the day. Her latch isnt' always perfect but at least I'm not in pain
most of the time when I feed.
Prior to seeing you I was frustrated
with feeding and didn't enjoy it. But since I've been finding feeding much
more enjoyable and less stressful. Also since seeing you Julianne's feeding
time has decreased which has also helped so I don't feel like I'm spending my
whole day feeding her. As she has grown the last month she is able to go a
little longer in between feedings so we are able to go out and I don't feel as
stressed about her feeding out in public.
Thanks you so much for all your help
10 July 2012
Prior to visiting Lydia for
breastfeeding consultation, I felt breastfeeding was such a pain because I had
sore nipples. However, trusting that breast milk is best for my baby, I
continued to breast feed even though I felt pain. Feeling a bit helpless, I
was referred by my baby's pediatrician that Lydia hosts a breast feeding
clinic. Without doubt, I went ahead and met with Lydia for consultation. She
has taught me the proper sitting position to breast feed. And it turned out
there is no pain with breast feeding! I am very glad that I made a visit to
Lydia. Now that I feel confident to continue breast feeding my baby and am
hoping to breast feed until baby reaches 6 months old.
Thank you so much Lydia!
Macy Law
1st July 2012
Lydia Ling is definitely the best
lactation consultant I’ve ever met. With just one meeting, my newborn is back
on track with breastfeeding and he’s gaining weight steadily. Before meeting
Lydia, I thought I would need to switch to formula as my newborn baby couldn’t
latch and I was ready to give up. However, Lydia was able to teach me and my
husband that everyone can be successful in breast feeding with the proper
techniques and the right advice. Definitely see Lydia Ling if you want to be
prepared for your baby as her advice on breastfeeding and everything else is
worth more than gold.
I thought the breast feeding
session with Lydia was extremely informative and practical as I’ve gone to
prenatal classes and read a lot of books on breastfeeding but couldn’t get the
baby to latch properly. However, with Lydia’s help, the baby latched
successfully and has been breastfeeding well ever since. The session was also
very enjoyable as Lydia’s humor and analogies help you understand how babies
and breastfeeding works. I also enjoyed how Lydia not only teaches you but
also your husband to support and improve the breastfeeding experience. It was
a great hands on session and I will definitely share with all my friends how
amazing Lydia and her team is.
Tiffany and Philip
30 May 2012
Hi Lydia,
My breast feeding is much better
now, no more painful sucking. Only problem still remains is that the baby
can't stay awake for 30min on each breast, so I am doing 15min on each breast
first and try to lengthen the duration as we continue.
By massaging the hard parts of the
breast during feeding and pumping as suggested, the engorgment has subsided
and I am feeding much better and more relaxed now. Today's clinic made a big
difference on my breast feeding, I can't thank you enough for the assistance,
advice and dedication. I will continue to adjust my technique and update you
again tomorrow.
Thank You!
Best Regards,
Belle Lee TC1204
31st Dec 2011
It was so nice to hear from you! Glad that you are still teaching! We moms
need you! I remember when I needed help badly for my first boy, you were there
for us! Now my little girl is 16 mths! I didn't BF so well for my 1st kid so I
pumped for 10 mths. The 2nd one, it was so easy and natural! I was worried
I couldn't do it. Or my body is already "experienced"! Like magic!
Best wishes for you and your family!
Jennifer Lam (Class MS0712)
9 Oct 2011
Dear Lydia,
I have give birth to my BB girl
Siena on 21Sept :] just want to share the joy with you~~ and thanks for
teaching me a lot in the course, which I found it very useful during labour
and when I practice breast-feeding.
My BB loves breast-feeding a lot and she always smiles when she's "put"
on the nursing pillow, as she knows that it's feeding time. Best wishes to
you and your family !
Candice and Simon (Class HK1106)
March 29 2010
Dear Lydia,
We would like to update you that all is going
well now after your help, Baby Allie has gain back 9 ounces in 3 days and
almost back to birth weight now that she is 10 days old. I would also like to
share my labour story with you, as I am VERY PROUD of myself in applying what
I have learn from your class.
I planned not to have epidural but MAYBE using
the laughing gas (after talking to some of the classmates). I ended up having
ALL NATURAL birth with no pain killers at all, AND from transitional stage to
pushing to seeing Allie, it took less than 45 mins and only 6 pushes! All
THANKS to you Lydia!
I went into hospital at 3am and Allie was out at
4:20am!!! What an experience! I kept all my energy at relaxation and using pan
pan blow, and all the breathing techniques you taught us! I just want you to
know that we appreciate all your effort in teaching us and WE DID APPLIED to
the situation!!!
As I told you we had a midwife instead, so she
was soooooo surprised in the breathing techniques and how well-equipped the "hosiptal
backpack" was (with the stool, net panties, breastfeeding pillow....etc)
Thanks again, Love, Vivian and
Gary (TC0906)
1 Dec 2009
Hi, again this is Sara from class HK0908. Just an update
that I'm feeding well today, after keep feeding frequently, drink fish soup
and sleep much more. I want to thank you again for your class, I saw so many
mothers giving up easily these few days in hospital. I'm glad that I've
attended your class so that learnt a lot and at the same time, more important:
I insist breast feeding. You know that? my hospital allow mothers feeding at
night time and I'm so surprise that I'm the ONLY ONE who feed at these 4
Best wish to you and thanks again.
Sara Lee (HK0908)
29 Oct 2009
Hi Lydia, long time no see. Hope
you everything is fine in Toronto!
I am one of your students back
in 2007 Summer, my son Ethan is now 2y1m and I have successfully breast feed
him for around 4 months only but it's so greatful that I met you and all your
techniches taught in class which makes me succeed!! I really want to thank
you again and I have recommended couple of my friends who had attended your
class as well and all of them were same good comments!!
You are the Best!! Pls. continue
to teach more mom and mom-to-be and encourage breast feeding! We all talked
about you from Toronto to HK to Macau to China..... I am sure for more.... as
your enthusiasium and having fun in class make us all remember you and your
smile... it's true. Most important, of course breast feeding... my husband
and I and some of my friends who attended your class have been well brain
washed by you..... which is good...
Lydia, many many thanks for your
kind help indeed.....
Eliza Wong (HK0707)
Dear Lydia,
I was very
successful on breastfeeding, as soon as on the second day! First day was just
getting close to the baby. Second day the baby was content and sleeping like an
angel. Then on the days after, the nurse at the HK Sanitorium only fed the baby
on less than 3oz glucose water in the middle of the night, when they don't want
to wake me up during the night. I insisted that NO milk-powder should be given
in addition and the nurses respected my decision. The pediatrician I had was
Dr.Leo Chan and he is a big pro on breastfeeding as well - thank god. He said as
long as baby's weight doesn't fall by more than 10%, I can continue
breastfeeding without mixing milk powder in between. My boy was very diligent at
working on his milk-production-plants here (ha ha) thus the milk has been
increasing day by day. There was absolutely no pain too! I now have your perfect
"breastfeeding chair, cushion, leg rest" setup at home, and we call that the
"royal seat".
You can't
imagine how many times your name came up in conversation between my husband and
I these 2 weeks, as we claim knowledge on how to work things, quoting "Lydia
said we should blah blah blah ..." when getting baby to latch on, sterilizing
baby stuff, etc.
Thank You
Lydia, once again. You make the whole process of pregnancy and delivery more
predictable and less scary for us first-timers. The pain-free breastfeeding tips
was invaluable. All my friends were amazed at how I can do it enjoyably! (...
and of course I told them of your big name, hee hee)
Attached please
see my beautiful little boy, photo taken on 2nd day after birth.
Hi Lydia,
This is Carol from your T0904 class. I would like to let
you know my update
My baby girl born on July 26 and I had a very very smooth
labour. Dr. Shuen was my OB. My labour time was less than 4 hours
(contraction for about 3 hours and push for 1 hour). I am so glad that the
breathing techquie really helps, so that I can labour naturally.
Now I am recovering from the stitches and I am very happy
that I can breast-feeding my baby right the way. My baby is very healthy and
eat very well. By the way, she is weight 7lbs 11 at her birth.
Thank you very much for all your helps!!!
TC0904 31 July 2009
Dear Lydia,
I am Vanessa
from your TC0809 class, my baby Zoe is 4.5month now. Firstly I am very happy to
tell you, because the confidence you gave me on your class, I have been 100%
breastfeeding her without a drop of formula and never used bottle or pumped up
my milk, she is very big in her age, saying 17lbs(95% percentile) and 67cm(over
the maximum) when she did the 4th month check up. Thank you so much!
Vanessa Xiao Class: TC0809 Date: 6 April 2009
Although each class is a few hours long, none of them were
boring at all. Lydia always presents with such enthusiasm & the contents were
all relevant & useful.
Since our baby came to this world at 29 weeks very
unexpectedly, we were totally unprepared. I wasn't able to apply the labour
techniques (but may be useful in the future if i ever have a natural birth). I
did try to use some breathing & relaxation techniques to overcome my cramps &
contractions the night before the C section.
I find Breastfeeding classes very useful. I'm really
thankful that I attended Lydia's breastfeeding classes before the unexpected
birth of our baby because I would have never realized the importance of
initiating the milk pumping as soon as possible post C section & I would have
never known the importance of breastmilk to premature babies.
Outside of class times, Lydia's very helpful through
emails/phone. Whenever I have any questions, I know I can depend on Lydia
because she answers my questions within a very efficient amount of time. She
has also shown support by introducing me to the premature babies chat group
where I was able to gain support from Lydia's past students who have gone
through similar experience as what I'm experiencing.
I would highly recommend this course to any expecting
Name in Full :Cecilia Lui
Class No: TC0811 Date: Dec 10,2008
Hi Lydia
I just want to say thank you for classes I think it's probably the best thing I
have ever done for myself. You have many great tips for pre and post labour
which helped me a great deal!
Winnie Kam (MS0710)
14 April 2008
(Baby 3 months old)
Hi Lydia
Thanks for all
your help & support in breastfeeding. Our son is eating very good right now as
he can latch on properly & eat enough breastmilk for almost every eating
session. Grace & I felt that if we did not take your course on breastfeed, we
would have given up breastfeeding our boy within 2 weeks after birth.
It is exciting
to see our boy's growing everyday & today he is 1 month old.
Many thanks &
wish you & your family a blessed New year.
Grace &
Felix. Class: MS0709
1st Jan 2008
Dear Lydia,
Thank you for your kindly reply.
am overjoyed to hear you are coming back on June, and I am looking forward to
see you very soon, Of course purchase the child care CD from you. pls kindly
let me know the exact place later.
is my greatest honor to meet you before I gave birth to my son, I learnt a lot
form your class and it also affects my husband involve into child caring and he
definitely a great help during the labor process.
am glad to tell you that I don't have any stretch mark at all and my tummy looks
great as before, thank you for introducing the Lierac products.
close friend of mind just got pregnant and i just forward your email to her
immediately. i hope she can also benefit from your class like me.
Moreover, I want to let you know we seldom see someone who has so much passions
and enthusiasm about her career, you are the one that I admire so much. Besides
helping me to have a easier pregnancy and laboring, you are even make my life
more positive.
god I met you in my life! Thank you Lydia!
and Regards,
Ivy Lee Class HK0707
Date: 15 April 2008______________
Dear Lydia,
Thank you so much for your teaching on the prenatal class! Without all those
information especially for the information and technique of relaxation, pushing
and breastfeeding, we couldn't make things so smooth and easy. Also, the
electronic plum(It's excellent and better
than the one that I used in the hospital, It's quiet, quick and comfortable),
the skin care products for breastfeeding mothers, and for diapers changing are
all amazing.
Based on my experience, I think to make the breastfeeding more successful, the
mom will be should try to eat as much as they could during the contraction to
gain more energy, Try their best to be relax..
Best wish to you and your families and Merry Christmas!
Jason, Eiffie and Matthew Class: MS0709
Dec 2007
Dear Lydia,
you so much for your consultations, I've been breastfeeding better & better each
day, & these 2 days, Misia can even latch on her own, she knows how to open wide
before coming to my breast....I'm really very thankful for that! & another
good news is, my nipples have fully recovered, & feeding time has decreased
(only 15min per side) due to more mature milk & my baby feels full faster! also
I don't need to use my pump anymore, that means she can have fresh breast
milk for every meal!!
love breastfeeding my baby, the bonding that involved cannot be described by
words, seeing her satisfying look makes me feel so important to her, & seeing
her diapers getting heavier each time proves that I'm feeding her well, too!
you , Lydia, for your continue support, without your encouragement, I'm afraid I
have already quitted breastfeeding at the most difficult time!! (when both
engorgement & bleeding nipples occurred at the same time!)
keep you updated!
Regards, Jenny & Kenneth (MS0709) 5 Nov 2007
Dear Lydia,
Thank you
very much! Special for your excellent prenatal class. I did all the steps what
you teach in the class. It helps me a lot to relief the pain. Also I glad to let
you know the breastfeeding is doing very well so far. My baby girl knows how to
suck at the skin to skin moment. I have lots of colostrum so that I can feed her
every two hours in the recovery room.
I don't
think I can do it so smooth without your help. Thank you very much again! Best
wishes to your and your family!
Carol Poon
Oct 2007
Dear Lydia,
very welcome, Lydia. You're doing a superb job
as what you teach is really valuable to me. I had a
very quick delivery so I didn't get to experience
whether the back massages or the jacuzzi or the tennis
balls helped ease the pain or not. But everything else
you talked about, especially about breastfeeding, is
treasure to me.
There were times indeed in the first weeks when I was
so tired and frustrated that I wanted to stop
breastfeeding. But your motto 'it's a better day
tomorrow' really helped me go through those hard
times. Now Caleb is eating very well, sucking well and
is getting heavier and heavier. So I must thank you
for keeping my motivation up! I do plan to breastfeed
for at least 6 months. I'll try to introduce the
bottle to him some time after his 10-week mark.
Thanks once again, Lydia. FYI I'm a certified Chinese
translator and interpreter, so if you need anything
that involves translation give me a call. I'll be more
than willing to do some typesetting and translation
for you. Take care.
Leung MS0608
15 Feb 07
Hello Lydia,
I gave birth to a
baby girl last Monday Dec 11, about 2 weeks earlier than due date. Thanks to the
breathing techniques learnt from you, I had a smooth labour. Breastfeeding was
difficult for the first 3 days, but since then the baby has been able to latched
on properly and suck very well. Your golden rules really work well here. We
review your notes when we have questions or uncertainty.
We're very lucky
to have attended your class and learnt so much from you. We're very happy to
share the good news with you - we're implementing what we learnt in class.
Attached is a picture of our baby Jia-Yi.
Thanks a lot for
all your help and support.
Jia-Yi, Irene and Chi Ho Class:
MS0610 19 Dec 2006
Dear Lydia
Thank you very much. We
appreciate very very much that you have given us an excellence "Prenatal Class"
In this class we have learnt a lot of new things for how to take care baby and
very important is "Breastfeeding" technical.
I still remember when we
immigrated to Toronto. We are worry when we are expecting a baby regarding how
to take care, how to breastfeeding, how to...... A lot of questions. We never
know in Toronto we can found a great person to teach me. Is you "Lydia Ling" You
told me never never give up.You taught me how to do the best. Now my baby is
born. I can applied everything that I have learnt in class and find them very
useful. I never worry & panic to take care baby. We found a lot of fun when
breastfeeding, Finger Feeding, Latching, 3D..............
Anyway, You are always on
my mine. Love,
Maggie & Edward & Ian Class: MS0510
November 2005
Hello Lydia,
Thank you for all your help. Our
daughter has successfully learn to eat from the breast. It only took 1 day of
feeding with the tube and she has learned the proper way of eating.
My milk has come and i have
stopped supplementing with formula as well. For the last two days, she has been
fed with breast milk only. She has also provided 4 stools daily, so I think
that she should be ok.
Thanks again.
Shuki, Danny and Kasie
Class: MS0506
November 2005
Dear Lydia,
I am still breastfeeding, but only 3 times a day because Ivan is taking
yogurt and other solids. It's amazing to see how much I save. I never have
to buy even a single can of formula. Maybe you can consider showing a chart
to your new students, calculate exactly how much one can save if we
breastfeed our babies' in the first year.
MS0410 had a few informal gatherings; I know many of us are still
breastfeeding. Thanks again for your passion on promoting breastfeeding.
Love in Christ,
Wendy & Pierre (Class: MS0410)
24th Dec 2004
Wish you and your loved
families a Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
I was your prenatal class
student in "Metro Square
April" class. My daughter Brightly (Chingching) was born in June 15. Thanks
for all the great skills and confidence you gave me, I have been successfully
breast-feeding for 6 months already. My daughter is very healthy and happy.
She is 18 lbs, 69cm. Her weight is in the 90% curve. Her both physical and
mental development are all very good/in advance to her peers. I believe my
dedicate breast-feeding in past 6 months is one of the key reason for this. You
were right, the bonding when breast-feeding was so wonderful. Chingching and I
are enjoying it very much. When I saw any mom feeding their children with
bottles, I would be very angry. I become a promoter for breast-feeding. :o)
I've strongly recommended some of my friends to breast-feed their babies and
join your classes.
Well, just want to use
this opportunity to say thank you! Wish you lots of love, peace and success in
year 2005. Let more moms enjoy the greatest experience with their babies.
Please see attached
greeting from my daughter.
Eva Huang
(Class: MS0404)
23 November 2004 After almost one month of
being new
parents, we realized that Lydia's prenatal class is the most valuable
course for our new life. If you went to a driving school to learn how to drive a
car, you definitely should attend Lydia's course to learn how to take care of a
baby. Not to mention so many useful babycare products and a lot of helpful
information, Lydia's 25-year experience and her incomparable passion gave us
give it a try, we have been SUCCESSFUL on breastfeeding right from the
beginning! Now we are very glad that our baby is eating a
lot everyday and we do not have to worry about milk and bottles at all, and we
know our baby is growing healthy because of the breastfeeding. I do suggest new
parents come to Lydia's class before having your baby, time and money you
spend here will be the best investment for your child.
Cherry and Frank (MS047)
February 25, 2004
I was a student of Lydia’s prenatal class in about 20
years ago, and now is my daughter’s turn. The sessions not only provide
detailed information on pregnancy, laboring, breastfeeding and baby care to my
daughter, Phoebe, but also a refreshment class for myself, and that helps me in
taking care of Phoebe and her new born baby.
Both Phoebe and I found the course is very informative,
with Lydia’s lively presentation skills, the
information can be understood and
remembered easily. Lydia shared her valuable experience which is so
knowledgeable and practical, and I’m sure it can hardly be found from the
books. After attended the course, we are confident and well prepared in
welcoming the new live.
Lydia has also done the market research on the products
for mother and baby; she offers us the best products in a very competitive
price. This really saved us time and money in such a busy and critical moment.
Phoebe has successfully breastfed her baby for more than
five months. Both of them are happy and healthy.
Lydia, thanks so much for your support, keep up your
excellent work. We are proud to be your students, and will highly recommend
your prenatal class to anyone we know.
Phoebe Sin/Linda Ching (C0302B)
10 Feb 2004
I write to tell you how lucky I was to have attended your prenatal class. Prior to attending your class, I always prepared myself for a Caesarian as I was always told about the painful experience that one had for trying to give natural birth. Luckily, at your class, you have given so much detail about the delivery process that we know what to look for and what to do at every stage. Your
class was also conducted in |
such a practical and interesting way that I could recall nearly everything you said during the actual process. Unexpectedly, the actual process went
very smoothly. I could even walk to feed my baby within the first two hours. I
would therefore highly recommend your class to anyone who is as nervous as me
about natural childbirth but wishes to be well informed so that they can at
least psychologically prepare for it.
Your class has also convinced me about the benefits of breastfeeding. Being
a working mom, I think it would be difficult to break your two and a half
years' record. However, having breastfed my baby for three months already, I
feel that it has no substitute.
Keep it up!! I think it would be a great loss if you decide not to hold any
more classes.
Elsa Ho
Sep 26, 2003
Dear Lydia,
Praise God that our daughter Charis Christabel Liu has joyously arrived! She was born on July 10, 2003. It's by God's grace that it just took us 4 hours from first-pain to delivery. I also want to say thank you because during my birth pains I practiced all the breathing and relaxing techniques you've taught us and they have been so helpful, even the nurses were amazed about that! My "painful" expectations had turned out to be a very short and manageable experience. I am sure this breathing exercise will continue to benefit a lot of moms.
I also want to thank you for your passion and support in helping me to persevere through my first steps of breastfeeding. Your ongoing phone calls helped and consoled me a lot. Indeed, breastfeeding is not easy. I was very frustrated during the first month and I can understand how easy it is for new moms to give up - with lots of physical pain and tiredness. However, Charis is now 2.5 months old and she is breastfeeding very well since last 2 weeks. I've stopped supplementing her with formula now.
May God continue to bless your ministry!
William, Connie & Charis
22 May 03
Hi Lydia, I'm yr student in C0302. Just wanna to bring you the news that a baby boy
has been added to our family. He was born on May 20. He is a big boy weighted at 8lbs 4 oz. Both mom and the baby are doing fine. The baby has
a little bit problem in a special care. Thanked God I can still breastfeed
him successfully after 1 day and a half. Lydia, just want to let you know
again, your teaching on breathing & relaxation helps me coping the pain a lot without any medication. One more thing, I can tell you that I didn't
scream out during labour & I can tell the nurse check me out during the
transitional period and all these knowledge are from you. Thank you very much.
Here are a couple of pictures to show you how he looks like....
May God keep bless your job & support in breastfeeding. Take care.
Cynthia Poon (C0302)
19 May 2003
Dear Lydia,
I am your student who attend class from this Feb. Just want to let u know that I have my labour on May 15. It is a baby boy who weighed 7 lbs 3 oz. Steven and I have named him Owen. Thank you for the lectures you offered. They were extremely beneficial to my whole labour which let me has a smooth and confident process. Now, I have started breastfeeding for a couple of days. Things have also been gradually picked up.
Once again, thank you very much. I will try to send you some pictures once I have them ready. By the way, I really enjoy all the products that I have gotten from you.
Best regards,
Stella Hou (C0302)
27 July 2002
Did I tell you that my labor only takes four and a half hour! Thanks! I cant stand the pain so I took
the epidural but the Pent, Pent , Blow really did help. Since the nurse told me that the cervix was
fully dilated and I stopped adding the dosage to the epidural and I felt the urge to push, I used the
Pent, Pent, Blow until the doctor told me to. The actually pushing time was just 20 minutes. Thanks for the
great lessons and your support that you have given.
Edward & Heather (C0202)
28th October 2001
Dear Lydia,
Our baby is now 11 weeks old and I feel that I am in a better position to
comment on your prenatal classes.
The prenatal exercises and breathing exercises you advised had helped me
smoothly deliver the baby within 5 hours.
The various methods of delivery were clearly explained by yourself and the
doctor you invited, relieving my threat as a first-time mother.
The breastfeeding techniques illustrated with photographs and demonstrations were the key to successful nursing. My baby is thriving. He has gained 6 lbs now.
Most of the products you introduced proved to be necessities during the stay in the hospital and the postpartum period.
Last of all, we would like to thank you for the continual support and advice
you provided during the postpartum period.
Wynne Leung (H0105A )